Big Dreams

The original idea was the Rehumaniztion Project. A multi-spoke appraoch to reclaiming…humanity. A means of individual self-transformation, communical sharing and support, and societal upheaval. Spiritual meets coloigcal healing meets personal/generational/communal/socielatal trauma resolution meets social justice meets communcal living meets technological reconciliation meets minimalism and simplicity. A mission. Action. A way of being. A way of inter-relating. A redical new approach. A remembering of the old waya.

An overly ambitious project.

Perhaps (hopefully) the Rehumanization Project will come into being some day. But it will require a village. One where I will happily support a collective of experts, deep-divers, trail blazers.

For now, I’m leaning into something smaller and more actionable. Something less daunting. Something that this incarnation of Dan with tehse unique skills and desires can use to serve and build into the grand hopes and dreams of the Rehumanization Project. Maybe a gathering place where the brilliant people that will create this collective will feel drawn to, meet, and dialogue. A place where the magic can start to happen. A drop in the bucket.

So, from the Rehumanization Project comes the Rehumanization Center.