Retaining Wisdom (Flow)

Class Details

  • About: The Ayurveda and Yoga Institute revolves around COMMUNITY. That said, let's try something a bit different with our online classes. Each class is an opportunity to explore a different question not only through movement, but through dialogue with like-minded friends near and far.

    This week we explore a question that may be top-of-mind for those who are inclined towards continual inner growth: how do you keep those profound insights and habits brought on by this unique time when a sense of status quo returns? Let us know what comes up through movement, what ideas you've brewed up on your own, and if you have any question or advice for others.

  • Length: ~60 minutes

  • Recommended Props: 1 Blanket, 2 Blocks

  • Originally Published: April 1, 2020


Dirga for Self Care (Flow)