The Body's Wisdom (Yin Yoga)

Class Details

  • About: We continue our theme of listening to the body's wisdom with a special Yin Yoga Class. Yin is a style that encourages introspection and connection through long held poses, deep breathing, and honoring 80% sensation. You're encouraged to take the time to explore the areas that feel restricted. To create space. To dive in and in. Which calls this week's discussion question, "what does it mean to go in and in?"

  • Length: ~65 minutes

  • Recommended Props: 1 Blanket, 2 Blocks

  • Music Credit: All music from Ryan Richko's album The Ultimate Yogi

    • Yin Yoga I and II

    • Gentle I, II, and III

    • Mountain I, II, and III

  • Originally Published: May 6, 2020


Creating Stillness (Gentle Yoga)


Post Hike Yoga (Flow)